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Creating an Efficient Cleaning Plan for Your School

Creating an Efficient Cleaning Plan for Your School concept - a clean and shining school hallway

Save Money, Resources, and Precious Learning Time

According to ISSA, the International Sanitary Supply Association, 20 million school days are lost each year due to the common cold. Students average 4.5 absent days per year while teachers average 5.3. This leads to more than $25 billion lost each year. With numbers like these, creating a cleaning plan for your school is absolutely essential.

Divide and Conquer

Talk a walk through your building and start assigning each area into a section and keep room types in mind as you go. For example, classrooms will all fall under one uniform cleaning plan. The same goes for bathrooms, hallways, entrances, etc. Continue through the school until every area is accounted for. This will help you streamline the process and budget accordingly.

Set a Schedule

Once you’ve got your areas sectioned off, start assigning a cleaning schedule. Classrooms will need to be cleaned daily while require several cleanings per day. Specialized activity rooms can get a deep cleaning after each use. Getting each area down on paper with regularly allotted times will make sure nothing is slipping through the cracks.

Disinfect Regularly

Staff should make sure bathrooms, kitchens, and common areas are being disinfected several times a day. An all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant can save a lot of time here. Additionally, teachers should be using disinfecting wipes on surfaces in the classroom such as door handles, light switches, and pencil sharpeners, as well as tools for activities and other shared items. Make sure each classroom is stocked with enough supplies for everyday use.

Remind Everyone It’s a Team Effort

Even the best-designed plans need a team to execute if they’re to work. Ensure that everyone from teachers and staff to students is on the same page when it comes to keeping their school clean. Station trash and recycling bins throughout the school and encourage students to use them. Post signs in the teachers’ lounge to make sure everyone is picking up after themselves. Schools are notoriously difficult to keep clean but with the proper planning and everyone pitching in, we can all stay clean, healthy, and happy.

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