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10 Keys to a Cleaner, Healthier Industrial Facility

10 Keys Cleaner Industrial Facility

Difficult, but Not Unmanageable

Factories are complex, often massive structures with many specialized areas. You have the production floor, administrative offices, kitchens, cafeterias, breakrooms, and bathrooms. Furthermore, with so many workers moving in and out, all of these are high-traffic areas at least part of the time. All this adds up to make factories very difficult places to keep clean and healthy. However, it’s not impossible. Here are ten keys to a cleaner, healthier factory.

Plan It Out

Without planning, some of those areas mentioned above are bound to be neglected. Take the time to do a walkthrough of the entire building and take copious notes. You’ll want to pay specific attention to high-touch areas, waste receptacles, bathrooms, food areas, etc. Once you have an idea of what needs to be done, you can start parceling out the work on a planned schedule

Stock the Right Supplies for the Job

Brooms, mops, buckets, hand scrubbers, and gloves…these are just the beginning. You’ll also need disinfectant, floor cleaner, surface sealant, degreaser, and more. The exact list will vary according to your company’s needs, but these will give you a basic idea of where you need to begin.

The Floors

Keeping the floors of a factory clean is a daily struggle. Constant traffic means floors get dirty quickly and that dirt becomes a breeding ground for germs. Make sure floors are swept and mopped once per shift to keep them from becoming haves of grime and pathogens. Consider investing in a sprayer to apply a heavy-duty disinfectant as well.

The Air Vents

Like floors, air vents accumulate dirt and dust quickly. Unlike floors, though, they can often be overlooked. Making sure your air vents are cleaned regularly will ensure good, healthy airflow.


Windows are another means for airflow and as such, they should also be cleaned regularly. Even if the windows are merely decorative, keeping them clean will add to the air of professionalism on your production floor.

Pressure Washers

For tougher jobs, use a pressure washer with hot water to blast away caked-up grime. If oil and grease is a problem, add a heavy-duty degreaser to the water, let it dwell, and rinse. Repeat as necessary.

Slim Down

As you do your walkthrough, start looking for items that no longer serve a purpose. Your floor managers and team leaders will have a good idea of what is being used when so include them in the conversation. By trimming all inessentials, you can make your space much more efficient and the task of cleaning much easier.

All Hands on Deck

A common saying on the floor is “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean.” Make sure employees are pitching in and cleaning becomes much more manageable.

Schedule a Deep Cleaning

If your lines run 24 hours a day, a full cleaning can be very difficult. Make sure to schedule the occasional deep cleaning for the areas that can’t be reached during production.

Consider a Professional Cleaning Crew

Cost and size of the job are key here. If you have a massive building with multiple lines running 24 hours a day, it might be more cost-effective to invest in a professional cleaning staff rather than use production team resources. Professionals also carry the expertise to get the job done more quickly and efficiently than line workers.

Factories are like cities unto themselves. This can make cleaning them seem like an insurmountable task. However, by using these keys as your starting point, you’ll ensure a clean, safe, and healthy work environment.

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