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Bioesque® Solutions Fire Restoration Cleaning Supplies

Cleanup and restoration after a fire in a business or home require a balance of experience, training, equipment, and fire restoration products. Expert restoration professionals match a range of cleaning techniques with the tools and products best employed for the different types of residues and debris left on surfaces and contents post-combustion. Bioesque® Solutions offers botanically-based solutions that will keep customer’s homes and workplaces free of harsh traditional chemicals.


Cleaning Solutions for the Fire Restoration



Grease and other protein-based fires are common in kitchens. Smoldering burns, often involving fabric, foam padding, electrical wiring, and cellulose, can occur anywhere in a property. Both types create soot and smoke damage that can cling tenaciously to surfaces. This sticky or even lacquer-like coating demands a robust and forceful response to clear it away completely. Bioesque® Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser is an answer to the challenge of firmly adhered fire residues.


Bioesque® Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser uses the power of Thymox technology to deliver superior degreasing and cleaning results as a powerful fire restoration cleaning product. Its proprietary blend of surfactants and wetting agents soaks into and thoroughly penetrates fire residues, permitting restoration technicians to wipe away evidence of the soot and smoke that pervaded all spaces in a residential or commercial property.


The heaviest of soiling responds to full strength Bioesque® Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser. Fragile surfaces and lighter coatings come clean with a diluted preparation of the Cleaner & Degreaser. Although restoration workers may choose to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while responding to a fire scene for other reasons, the ingredients contained in Bioesque® Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser include no harsh or toxic chemicals, safe to use without PPE.


As the fire restoration proceeds, additional Thymox-powered Bioesque® Solutions can have roles in the cleanup and deodorization. Bioesque® Botanical Surface Cleaner & Sealant cleans, deodorizes, and leaves a long-lasting barrier to future soiling. It can be sprayed, fogged, or electrostatically applied. Bioesque® Botanical Carpet Cleaner and Glass & Surface Cleaner were developed to address the needs of specific structural components and fixtures, any of which can need attention after a fire to return to pre-loss condition.


Bioesque® Botanical Odor Neutralizer can be part of a more comprehensive smoke smell deodorization strategy. Employing the power of Thymox® technology and advanced enzymatic ingredients, the Odor Neutralizer is non-toxic and operates by getting at the cause of odors, not merely masking them. Add Bioesque Botanical Cleaners to your arsenal of fire restoration cleaning supplies.


*See our label for a full list of pathogens.

Also, check out our smoke odor remover as part of your fire restoration cleaning supplies.

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